Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays 2019

Happy Holidays!

I hope this finds you all doing what you enjoy.

I am reflecting on this past year of 2019 and all the many wonderful things that occurred.  Some were big, some were small and then there are the things I'm grateful didn't happen.  I'm sure you can all relate.

Today I am thinking about hope and how we should all have it, looking forward with childish enthusiasm and making plans - for next year, the year after, five and ten years from now.  I think this is healthy and keeps us alive and vibrant and looking forward - as opposed to backward.

If you garden there are months of plans you can make now.  My sister gets all of her seed catalogs at Christmas and plans her gardening for the following year.  What a wonderful tradition!

On winter Solstice I journal, make lists, and plan out my upcoming year.  I break it up into two or three month sections, mostly according to weather.  This gives me a whole year of possibilities and plans.  Nothing's set in stone and I can change my mind at any time.  Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of living alone!

Plan for projects.  I make two lists for indoor and outdoor projects.  Some are just things that need to be done, others are fun things I'd like to do (and can afford), others are hopefuls - like if I can get help or additional funds.
Last year I repainted the back room and painted an old ugly dresser in the same colors which was just like getting new furniture - but for free!

If you live alone you are your own cheering section, your own boss, your own better judgement.  So plan to stay healthy, plan to enjoy your life and plan to do it for a really long time!

I am counting down to full retirement - when I don't have to work - anywhere.  That's seven years from now, I'll be 70 years young.  I have a plan for these years too, an overview, because we need to be flexible and allowing for variations.
I'll be saving money, staying healthy, taking day trips and an annual over-nighter or two, a little socializing, learning new things and making a list of things I'll be doing after retirement.  One of my dreams is to buy a modestly small RV and travel as far as I'm comfortable.  
It's not a grandiose plan, it's doable!  I'm realistically hopeful.

So make plans, don't look back at your past, look forward into your future - your long future.  Ailments and aging are a choice, choose life.

Thank you all for a lovely 2019.  I enjoy your comments and emails.

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