Friday, July 5, 2019

Mildew Mayhem

I am following up on my last post about the bedroom makeover.  I loved it, it looked great, and I really enjoyed the larger space.
There was just one problem.  As time went on I could smell a musty odor in the room.  I couldn't locate its exact origin but it seemed to be strongest in a far corner.

Oddly, that whole Spring, well, starting in May actually, I wasn't feeling my usual self.  I had some odd symptoms and my allergies seemed worse than in past years.
I wasn't sleeping well either, waking all through the night and having vivid dreams.  Always groggy in the morning but would feel better as the day wore on.

I finally decided the smell was coming from the carpet.  I hadn't really put two and and two together with my ill health until I did some online research for symptoms one might have with exposure to mold or mildew.  
I happened upon a fantastic and in depth article about Biotoxin Illness.  Specifically, from mold.  Many of the symptoms they offered, I had!  

Needless to say the next day I began moving out of the bedroom, reclaiming my old room in the addition.  This took several days as that smaller room had become my office and art studio, so all that had to be relocated.

My first night out of that room I felt better, slept better, woke refreshed and without a headache or allergies.  I am in the process of adding a few supplements they suggested to regain my health and recover from the Biotoxin Illness.

Today I began removing the carpeting.  Using an N95 respirator mask and gloves, I pulled up the stinky carpeting and padding.
That was indeed the culprit.  
The cause?  Not completely sure as there isn't any water damage there, but I suspect over wintering without adequate ventilation and heat would surely cause mildew to form in the carpet.

No photos of this project I'm afraid, it's not a pretty sight!  But I will be installing new carpet at the end of the month which I will share photos of.

Update 7/12/19:  I'm feeling much better!  I have ordered and received the supplements just today and will take them to boost the healing.  If you're interested in what I'm taking just ask in the comments.
I'd love to be able to save someone else the time and research if they are experiencing any Biotoxin Illnesses. 

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