Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Long Lost Blogger

Miss me?  I'm pretty sure this is the longest I have ever gone without a post.  My apologies.  I'm well and life is pretty good.  I really don't have a great excuse for my absence except to say that, like everyone else, I have been living the Covid Life;  isolated and safe, for the most part.

I am still working!  Thank goodness as there is no back up pay for the self employed.  Not even in the relief funds, except for the stimulus, which did help.
Because I am in the janitorial field, I have not lost any work, except about two weeks when the library closed for quarantine.  Then I was allowed back in to keep it up.  They are still not open to the public here, but are doing curbside service.  Their staff are there four days a week, now I am too, every morning before they arrive I am the magic fairy sanitizing everything.

With these new added days I have to double up my other work which is great for income, but wearing on my moral as I feel I am working full time again, lol, wasn't I semi retired??

With more stay at home time I have caught up on projects I put off for years!  That's good.  
I grew a small container garden with lettuces, spinach and carrots.  The scarlet runner beans are in as well.  

Most of my photo sharing this year has been on Instagram and Facebook, I hope you've been following me there.  I have to admit, it's so easy to shoot photos on my phone that automatically save to Google Photos, then I can download them from there onto my iPad for posting to Facebook and of course instantly to Instagram.
The Spring flowers put on a real show this year as it was a cool Spring, uncommon here these days.

The renewed photo business got underway back in May when I had a great idea to lease framed work!  I got my first client for real estate staging and an ad out. I'll be sending out post cards to vacation rentals as well.  I think this will be a great opportunity for rotating art exhibits that's very affordable.
I'm very pleased with my ad and they even did an Artist Profile article on me for the Summer issue of Tracing the Fjord, a local magazine.

I'm hoping you're all staying safe and following your state's regulations.  I know it's annoying to not have our usual freedom, but I am optimistic that good things will come out of this.

I'll try not to go so long between posts this time!!  Meanwhile, find me on Facebook @jenigrayphotography for my page and @jenigray.photography on Instagram.

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