Friday, February 15, 2019

Winter Sneak Attack

We were doing just fine without any snowfall this year.  February wanted to catch up for months of mild weather by hitting us with low freezing temps and a couple snow storms that broke our record all the way back to 1923!  

I was as prepared as I could be.  Only one extended power outage due to trees and power lines down across our entrance road overnight made it a little uncomfortable.  I needed to scoop snow and fill the ice chests to put the fridge and freezer food in, out in the mudroom.  This is a perfect way to preserve your food by the way. Outside temps were cooler than a refrigerator.
I of course have a large wood stove and a woodshed near the house.

I shoveled the decks and steps several times and dug a path out to the road.  Moved the car down there early on.  Each new accumulation I would eyeball a measurement.  I'd say we got about 30 inches of snow over a three day period.  Most I've ever had up here in 20 years, let alone in my whole life!

So here are some photos in different stages of the mess.


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