I just read a fantastic article for anyone who is serious about their art business. Here is the link:
Artrepreneur is an outstanding resource for artists. I believe it was originally started by a lawyer for the arts, so it always has in-depth reliable information for artists that you just don't get other places.
This article covers the aspects of documenting your artwork. I can't stress enough how important it is to photograph and save your images of your artwork in several places. You can insure it, but as someone in the article pointed out, isn't always practical.
For visual artists this is imperative. The digital age makes this easy and difficult at the same time. If you shoot film you always have your negatives, but you should also keep digital files of those images. Digital images run the risk of being deleted through computer crashes or the like. I suggest backing up to an SD card, DVD disk and a Cloud service. Keep one of the back ups in a different location than your home.
For my jewelry work I started out needing a photo log for inventory, so I use an Excel spreadsheet to add a thumbnail image, SKU number, description, price and a box for where it is, which could be on Etsy, in a gallery or sold. Very helpful! I also use this list to accompany my artwork installations as the inventory sheet.
At any rate, taking your small business seriously will include a reliable bookkeeping system which includes tracking your work and safeguarding it.
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