Tuesday, May 27, 2014

More Spring Wildflowers

Touring the yard this time of year becomes an enjoyable part of my day since new things are blooming all the time.  Growth is explosive and lush, as if it just can't wait to express it's fullness.

I love these miniature iris.  They stay in bloom for several days.  I rescued them from a weedy spot in the ground and replanted them in pots.  It took two seasons for them to bloom again, but they are doing well now.

The chives have already grown and blossomed!  I love these little puff balls.  I usually cut back the first round of blooms so I can get a more tender chive, but this month they are all eager to bloom.

I have several lovely wild columbine around the yard in different colors, they are just coming out.  And the lupine is starting to show it's color as well.

More photos to come!!!


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